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2024.05.05 14:30    临港演艺中心








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    旅美大提琴演奏家,现担任中央音乐学院管弦系大提琴教授。曾任国家大剧院管弦乐团首席大提琴,2013 年 6 月,杨锰被中央电视台选为:“十大青年大提琴演奏家”之一。曾任休士顿室内乐团、迈阿密新世界交响乐团和田纳西孟菲斯交响乐团首席大提琴。

    杨锰曾求学于上海音乐学院、美国哥伦布大学、密苏里大学、莱斯大学并取得了音乐学士和硕士学位。在追随国际著名大提琴泰斗林·哈勒尔(Lynn Harrell)的学习过程中,杨锰曾担任其助教,并成为美国莱斯大学历史上最年轻的助教。

    杨锰曾多次在国际比赛中获得大奖,包括莫斯科第一届普罗科夫耶夫国际比赛大提琴演奏 第二名(第一名空缺)和“最有前途新人”奖,美国乔治亚州、密苏里州弦乐教师协会比赛第一名,美国印地安那大学全美独奏奖,全美国际院长钦点大奖和“美国 USAA 公司全美大学生奖学金”,多次获全美“校长钦点大奖”。
    在海外旅居期间,他曾分别担任过休士顿室内乐团、迈阿密新世界交响乐团和田纳西孟菲斯交响乐团首席大提琴,并被授予以孟菲斯交响乐团创始人“文森特·弗兰克”命名的“首席大提琴家”荣誉,他是该团历史上获得此项殊荣最年轻的演奏家。杨锰的足迹遍布北美、欧洲和亚洲,曾与著名音乐大师克李斯托弗·艾森巴赫、洛林·马泽尔、迈克尔·蒂尔森·托马斯、杰夫 里·塔特、加里·格拉夫曼、艾萨克·皮尔曼、塞吉尤·科密申纳、罗杰·诺林顿、林昭亮等合作音乐会。曾经与大提琴大师林•哈勒尔,小提琴大师祖克曼,著名指挥艾伦•吉尔伯特举办不同形式的大师班,大师祖克曼在和杨锰合作演出之后写到:“毫无疑问,杨先生将会有一个美好的 未来,他将会对这个社会的艺术和文化做出杰出的贡献!” 美国《商业感染力报》曾这样评价 杨锰的表演—“在那一刻,杨锰的演奏雕刻出他独有的高尚和敏锐的世界,时间在此消失......”, 中国驻加拿大大使馆文化参赞赵海生先生在信中写到:“中华人民共和国很骄傲有杨锰这样的人 才作为我国伟大的文化财产......作为前休士顿文化大使,我给予他最高的评价。”

    杨锰曾与世界著名大提琴家马友友、歌唱家弗莱明、小提琴家帕尔曼,著名指挥家迈克尔·第尔森·托马斯等大师合作演出。马友友在卡内基音乐厅的巡回演出后写到:“杨先生杰出 的技巧和动人的音乐使他成为当代青年大提琴家中一位少有的佼佼者......”。

    2011 年,杨锰与著名钢琴家陈萨、小提琴家宁峰创建了中国第一个明星室内乐组合。作为 这一时代最杰出的室内乐团之一,他们的演出享誉中外,为填补中国在室内乐这一领域的空白做出了贡献。

    杨锰受到过中国媒体的广泛关注及赞誉。其中包括《中国文化报》(2011-07 期)的报道 称:“大提琴家杨锰是国内交响乐团中这一声部领域中的翘楚......他参与创建的北京三重奏,看 似波澜不惊的事件却极有可能载入中国音乐史......”。《京华时报》的报道:“杨锰的演奏歌唱 性实足,音乐线条简洁流畅,经验丰富......令人印象深刻。”



    Yang Meng, a cellist educated in both China and the United States, and now the professor of Cello at China Central Conservatory of Music, was the former principal cellist in the Orchestra of National Centre for the Performing Arts(China NCPA Orchestra). In June 2013, Yang was selected by CCTV as one of the "Top Ten Young Cello Players" and participated in the recording of the “glorious blooming” series of concerts, winning praise at home and abroad.

    Meng Yang is a graduate of the distinguished Shepherd School of Music at Rice University in Houston, Texas, his work has gained him recognition as one of the most gifted new performing artists today. A versatile cello soloist, chamber musician, and orchestral player, he has performed extensively in North America, Asia, and Europe and worked with some of the world’s best-known music directors, performers, and chamber groups.

    Yang has studied in Shanghai Conservatory of Music, the Columbus State University, the University of Missouri and Rice University in the US, and obtained a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in music. In the course of learning under the renowned cellist Lynn Harrell, Yang acted as his assistant at Rice University and became the youngest assistant in the history of that university.

    Yang has won numerous prizes in international competitions, including the second prize (the first was vacant) and "the most promising novice" prize in the First Prokoviev International Competition in Moscow. He won the first prize in Missouri String Music Teachers Association in Georgia of the United States. He also won "The National Dean's List Award" and "USAA All-American Scholar Collegiate Award" as well as "The Chancellor's List Award" for many times.

    During his overseas travelling and residence, he also served as the principal cellist for Houston Chamber Orchestra, the Miami New World Symphony Orchestra and the Tennessee Memphis Symphony Orchestra respectively, and was awarded the title of honorary principal cellist by Vincent Frank, the founder of Memphis Symphony Orchestra, he is also the youngest one winning this extraordinary honor during the history of this regiment.

    Yang's footprints had been spread across the whole North America, Europe, and Asia. He used to cooperated with famous music masters such as Christoph Eschenbach, Lorin Maazel, Michael Tilson Thomas, Jeffrey Tate, Gary Graffman, Itzak Perlman, Sergiu Comissiona; Roger Norrington, and Cho-Liang Lin, etc. Yang's performance had received attention and wide acclaim from overseas media including television, radio and newspaper.

    2011, Yang Meng together with the famous pianist Chen Sa and violinist Ning Feng founded China's first star chamber music band. As one of the most distinguished chamber bands in this era, their performances had been renowned both at home and abroad and also contributed to filling the gaps in this field in China.

    During the year of 2020, Yang Meng formed his Twilight-Bach Project, giving his poet recital in Shandong Grand Theater, Dezhou Grand Theater, Xiamen Cangjiang Theater, Zhuhai Grand Theater, Foshan Theater, Gansu Grand Theater and Suzhou Arts Center. In 2021 and 2022, he unveils a new international collaboration with Lebanese Artist & Curator Georges Yammine, playing all 6 Bach suites in Guangzhou Opera House, Xiamen Minan Grand Theater, Qintai Concert Hall of Wuhan.

    After returning the motherland, Yang Meng was widely concerned and praised by the Chinese media and newspapers, including the China Culture Daily that had reported in July 2011 that "The cellist Yang Meng is prominent in this part among domestic symphony orchestra ... he had participated in the creation of the Beijing Trio, which is an event seemingly placid but very likely to be recorded into the music history of China ... ". Beijing Times reported that "Yang Meng performs in a style filled with sufficient singing sense with simple and smooth music lines, showing that he is very experienced ... and is very impressive." In addition, there had also been special reports from LETTER FROM CHINA, the special report entitled "Impression" from the Journal of National Centre for the Performing Arts, and "Yang Meng’s Comments on His Partners Chen Sa and Ning Feng" from Beijing Evening New, etc.


    演出时间:2024年4月14日14:30 Time:,7:30pm April 14th,2024
    演出地点:临港演艺中心 Place:Lingang Performing Arts Center
    大提琴:杨锰 Violoncello:Yang Meng

    G大调第一无伴奏大提琴组曲BWV 1007 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫
    Cello Suite No. 1 In G Major BWV 1007 Johann Sebastian Bach

    1. 前奏曲 Ⅰ.Prélude
    2. 阿勒曼德舞曲 Ⅱ.Allemande
    3. 库朗舞曲 Ⅲ.CouranteI.
    4. 萨拉班德舞曲 Ⅳ.SarabandeI.
    5. 小步舞曲 Ⅴ.Menuet 1&2
    6. 吉格舞曲 Ⅵ.Gigue

    C小调第五无伴奏大提琴组曲BWV1011 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫
    Cello Suite No. 5 In C Minor BWV 1011 Johann Sebastian Bach

    1. 前奏曲 Ⅰ. Prélude
    2. 阿勒曼德舞曲 Ⅱ.Allemande
    3. 库朗舞曲 Ⅲ. Courante
    4. 萨拉班德舞曲 Ⅳ. Sarabande
    5. 加沃特舞曲 Ⅴ.Gavotte 1&2
    6. 吉格舞曲 Ⅵ.Gigue


    C大调第三无伴奏大提琴组曲BWV 1009 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫
    Cello Suite No. 3 In C Major BWV 1009 Johann Sebastian Bach

    1. 前奏曲 Ⅰ.Prélude
    2. 阿勒曼德舞曲 Ⅱ.Allemande
    3. 库朗舞曲 Ⅲ. Courante
    4. 萨拉班德舞曲 Ⅳ.Sarabande
    5. 布雷舞曲 Ⅴ.Bourrée 1&2
    6. 吉格舞曲 Ⅵ.Gigue


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