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演出时间: 2024年11月15日19:30
演出地点:上音歌剧院 歌剧厅
《唐璜》是古典主义时期奥地利作曲家莫扎特的两幕歌剧,由达·蓬特撰写脚本,创作于 1787年。同年在布拉格剧院首演时便受到观众的高度赞赏,认为这是布拉格上演过的歌剧中最为优秀的一部。2020年,上海歌剧院曾推出情景音乐会版歌剧《唐璜》,赢得观众热烈反响。在2024年第23届中国上海国际艺术节期间,上海歌剧院将与中国上海国际艺术节合作,于上音歌剧院献演全景舞台版《唐璜》。届时,上海歌剧院院长、著名指挥家、钢琴家许忠将执棒中国上海国际艺术节节日交响乐团,携手中外优秀歌唱家们,以新颖、细致、独特的方式将这部经典名作呈现给沪上观众。
Don Giovanni, opera in two acts by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Italian libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte) during the period of Western classical, was composed in 1787. It was a big success for its premiere at the original National Theatre in Prague on October 29, 1787, and was recognized as one of the greatest of all operas ever held in Prague. The Shanghai Opera House once produced a concert version and received warm responses. In the 2024 season, the stage version, under the collaboration between the Shanghai Opera House and the CSIAF Orchestra, will be held at the Shangyin Opera House during the Shanghai International Arts Festival. When the time comes, conductor Xu Zhong, also president of the Shanghai Opera House, will lead the orchestra to present Don Giovanni in a novel and unique manner.
塞维利亚城的贵族青年唐璜到处沾花惹草,一天夜里,他潜入司令官的宅邸,企图调戏他的女儿安娜。年迈的父亲为了保护女儿,在与唐璜的决斗中当场毙命,随即赶来的安娜未婚夫奥塔维奥,发誓要为其父亲报仇。 黎明的街道上,唐璜遇到了曾被他抛弃的贵妇埃尔维拉,他留下侍从雷波雷洛为他处理这难堪的场面,自己则逃之夭夭。不久后,唐璜又遇到了农庄里的青年情侣马赛托和采琳娜,再次用花言巧语打动了采琳娜的芳心。即将得逞之际,埃尔维拉赶来告诫采琳娜远离这个花花公子。另一边,安娜与奥塔维奥发现了唐璜的行踪,趁他在家中设宴,安娜、埃尔维拉和奥塔维奥戴着面具来参加唐璜的舞会,想要揭发唐璜就是杀死司令官的凶手。此时,唐璜与雷波雷洛到访墓地,看到了刻着复仇话语的司令官石像。唐璜毫不畏惧地邀请石像参加晚宴。回到宫中后,埃尔维拉前来央求他改变自己的放荡行为,但唐璜仍不为所动。正当她离开时,石像竟真前来赴宴,并要求唐璜悔改。唐璜表示拒绝后,石像便将唐璜拖下了地狱。
Don Giovanni, a young nobelman from Seville, is a legendary libertine and seducer. Late one evening, outside the Commendatore's palace, Giovanni tries to seduce Commendatore's daughter, Donna Anna. Her father, the Commendatore, believing his daughter to be in distress, challenges Giovanni to fight. In the scuffle that follows, Giovanni kills him. Anna flees the scene and shortly after returns with her fiancé Don Ottavio. She makes Ottavio swear to avenge her father’s death. The following morning, Giovanni and his servant Leporello come across a distressed woman. She turns out to be Donna Elvira, who has come from a nearby town determined to find Giovanni. He had married her there, but then abandoned her. Giovanni escapes from Elvira, leaving Leporello to recount to her Giovanni’s extraordinary catalogue of conquests. A little while later, at Zerlina and Masetto’s wedding, Giovanni is about to make off with the bride, when Elvira intercepts him, telling Zerlina to stay away from the womanizer. Meanwhile, Anna tells Ottavio that she has recognised Giovanni as the Commendatore’s murderer. In Giovanni's castle, the wedding celebration for Zerlina and Masetto is underway. Anna, Ottavio and Elvira appear; they are wearing masks to disguise their identities, trying to denounce Giovanni for his crimes. In the meantime, Leporello meets Giovanni in the graveyard. Giovanni points out a statue of the Commendatore, and orders Leporello to invite the statue to dinner. When returning to Giovanni’s dining room, Elvira makes a final attempt and asks him to change his lifestyle but he refuses. Angrily, she leaves. Moments later, Leporello screams and runs back, telling Giovanni that the statue has arrived for dinner. The statue asks Giovanni to repent for his sins, but Giovanni refuses. Then, with a great flash, the earth opens up beneath their feet and the statue pulls Giovanni with him to Hell.
服装设计 :玛利亚·卡拉·里科蒂
灯光设计 :刘沈辉
唐璜 : 卢卡·皮萨罗尼/ 张扬
雷波莱罗: 阿德里亚诺·格拉米尼 / 余杨
安娜 : 伊莉莎·维尔齐耶尔 / 徐晓英
司令官: 鲁本·阿莫雷蒂
奥塔维奥: 胡安·德迪奥斯·马特奥斯/ 蔡程昱
埃尔维拉 :莫妮卡·萨内丁 / 王柏龄
采琳娜 : 克莱尔·库伦 / 熊郁菲
马赛托: 黄俊鹏
合唱 上海歌剧院合唱团
演奏 中国上海国际艺术节节日交响乐团
Conductor:Xu Zhong
Director/Set Designer/Multimedia Designer: Yang Jingze
Custume Designer: Maria Carla Ricotti
Light Designer:Liu Shenhui
Vocal Coach: Alessandro Amoretti
Don Giovanni : Luca Pisaroni /Zhang Yang
Leporello : Adriano Gramigni / Yu Yang
Donna Anna : Elisa Verzier / Xu Xiaoying
ll Commendatore : Rubén Amoretti
Don Ottavio : Juan de Dios Mateos / Cai Chengyu
Donna Elvira : Monica Zanettin/Wang Bailing
Zerlina : Claire Coolen/Xiong Yufei
Masetto :Huang Junpeng
Chorus Shanghai Opera House
Orchestra The China Shanghai International Arts Festival (CSIAF) Orchestra