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佛朗西斯-勒科克 François Le Cocq (1685 – 1729)
吉他作品集Recueil des Pieces de Guitarre (1730)
恰空 | Chaconne
弗朗切斯科·科尔贝塔Francesco Corbetta (1615 – 1681)
皇家吉他曲集La Guitarre Royale (1671)
前奏曲 | Prelude
阿拉曼德 | Allemande
库兰特帕萨卡利亚舞曲 | Courante Passacaglia
随想恰空 | Caprice de Chaconne
托米尼可·贝雷库利尼Domenico Pellegrini (1617 – ca.1682)
西班牙吉他和声协奏曲Armoniosi concerti sopra la chitarra spagnuola(1650)
寻找第一声雷鸣|Ricercata del primo Tuono
乔瓦尼·保罗福斯卡里尼Giovanni Paolo Foscarini (1600 – 1647)
五册西班牙吉他教本Li Cinque Libri della Chitarra alla Spagnola (1640)
托卡塔 | Toccata per la E
托米尼可·贝雷库利尼Domenico Pellegrini (1617 – ca.1682)
西班牙吉他和声协奏曲Armoniosi concerti sopra la chitarra spagnuola(1650)
格里玛尔达的水流 | Corrente detta la Grimalda
安吉洛·米歇尔·巴托罗第Angelo Michele Bartolotti (1615 - 1682)
西班牙吉他集第一册Libro primo di chitarra spagnola (1640)
帕萨卡利亚 | Passacaglia in g
圣地亚哥·穆尔西亚Santiago de Murcia (1673 – 1739)
帕萨卡利亚舞曲集Pasacalles y obras (1732)
科雷利的吉格| una giga de Corelli
萨尔迪瓦的手抄本Saldivar Codex(c.1732)
坎毕舞曲 | Cumbees
凡丹戈舞 | Fandango
卡斯帕尔·桑斯Gaspar Sanz (1640 – 1710)
西班牙吉他音乐导论Instrucción de Música sobre la guitarra española(1674)
卡纳利奥斯舞曲 | Canarios
—— 中场休息intermission ——
约翰-塞巴斯蒂安-巴赫Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
BWV 998前奏、赋格、快板| Präludium, Fuge und Allegro BWV 998
约翰-塞巴斯蒂安-巴赫 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
d小调第二帕蒂塔Partita für Violine BWV 1004
恰空 | Ciaccona
Stefan Koim
他曾在科隆、萨尔茨堡、波士顿和维尔堡学习古典吉他和古乐器,并屡获国内外吉他演奏奖项。2015年,领衔Cembaless古乐团于德国Biagio Marini室内乐大赛获三等奖及观众奖,2016年获“ZAMUS Spielwiese”观众奖,2017年获得萨尔州广播电台和萨尔州早期音乐学院的观众奖及资助。2020年,Cembaless古乐团被选中加入由欧盟组织的欧洲创意项目中的一个高级教育计划——Eeemerging+。
Stefan Koim is currently the head of the guitar department at the Institute for Musicology and Music Education at the University of Osnabrück.
Stefan Koim studied classical guitar and historical instruments in Cologne, Salzburg, Boston and Würzburg. He has won several national and international prizes as a soloist.With his Early music Ensemble Cembaless, he won both the 3rd Prize and the Audience Prize of the Biagio Marini Competition in Neuburg an der Donau in 2015, followed in 2016 by the Audience Prize of the “ZAMUS Spielwiese” and in 2017 by the Audienc Prize and Grant at the Saarland Radio and the Academy of Early Music in Saarland. 2020 Cembaless was accepted into the advanced education program Eeemerging+, supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
Stefan Koim is constantly searching for new repertoire and experimenting with innovative concert formats. World premieres and collaborations with young and established composers such as Helmut Lachenmann and George Benjamin are at the centre of his artistic work. Due to his versatility, he is in demand for opera performances and various chamber music projects (e.g. Philharmonie Luxembourg, Concerto Köln, Beethoven Orchestra Bonn, Gürzenich Orchestra).CD releases at musicaphon and Naxos were highly praised by the press.